New Bedford Management Corp. - New York, NY
In business since 1985, New Bedford Management is based in New York city and has a proven track record of providing hands-on boutique style management services supported by a staff of in-house professionals. Specializing in cooperatives and condominiums, New Bedford recognizes the unique concerns of the homeowner community and its elected representatives, the board of directors. We are therefore able to provide you with a custom tailored service plan to meet your needs at a reasonable cost.
New Bedford Management has an aggressive, pre-emptive management style to fix small problems before they become large and expensive ones. We take great pride in our work. The board and owners will know that New Bedford will always be there when you need us.All phone calls are responded to same day and our emergency response is immediate.
Services INCLUDED in monthly fee
Collect and deposit rent.
Complete computerization of deposits and disbursements to produce balance sheets at any time and year-end account summary.
Bookkeeping. (Regular bill payments and checking account maintenance)
Advertise for, screen and place new tenants.
Handle apartment registrations, lease renewals, rent increase and all tenant related issues.
Coordinate repairs and maintenance.
Provide detailed monthly summary of all the above.
Available for 24 hours/7day emergency service.
New Bedford Management Corp will remind you why you invested in real estate in the first place. We'll help you reduce your involvement and increase your return leaving you to enjoy your investment.
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