Professional Property Management Group - Redding, California
The Professional Property Management Group provides property management services for residential, commercial and community associations, including - but not limited to - the following:
- Enhance the value of the property, by preservation of the existing income stream or minimizing its loss.
- Evaluate and provide recommendations as to the improvement of the properties functional and visual esthetics.
- Evaluate the property site monthly and provide a written report of the finding to the owners.
- Provide for an annual evaluation of the property's income and expense situation as comparable to other like properties within the area.
- Provide 24-Hour emergency contact persons, in the event of an emergency affecting the property, and implementation of any emergency plan for the property.
- Prepare and provide, subject to the Owners approval, an annual operating budget, with explanations and recommendations for the property.
- Provide accurate records of all income received, and expense disbursement as provided for under the terms of the Management Agreement to the Owners on a monthly basis. Collection and deposit of all rents due under provisions as provided for in the Lease or Rental Agreement in place.
- Monthly payment of expenses attributed to the operation of the property as provided for under the terms of the Management Agreement for the property, i.e., property taxes, mortgage, insurance, utilities, maintenance items, and/or related vendor contracts for specific services.
The Professional Property Management Group is based in Redding, California.
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